6 Step Fertilization / Weed control program, up to 10,000 sq ft
Step 1 (March/April) Heavy rate of granular fertilizer plus pre-emergent for the control of crabgrass, broadleaf, and foxtail.
Step 2-(May/June) A second application of pre-emergent plus granular fertilizer to assure a good barrier against broadleaf weeds, crabgrass and foxtail.
Step 3-(June/July) A quality granular insecticide for control of white grub and sod webworm. Plus a well balanced, slow release, granular fertilizer. Spot spray for weeds.
Step 4-(August/September) Balanced Organic granular fertilizer with microbes to green up the lawn and enhance soil health. Spot spray for weeds.
Step 5: (September/October) Blanket spraying of herbicide to prevent fall, winter and spring germinating weeds. Establishing a barrier of broad spectrum herbicide for annual grassy and broadleaf weeds and nutsedge suppression.
Step 6- (October/November) Heavy rate of Organic granular fertilizer with microbes to stimulate root growth and to enhance soil health.